About the Artist

Click to see the gallery: www.katjette.com

Kat Jetté lives and works in Ottawa, Ontario. She received her Honours Degree in Fine Arts from the University of Ottawa, and studied Photography at Algonquin College. Most recently, Kat's work has become focused primarily on acrylic painting techniques and the use of innovative acrylic mediums to portray her vision.

“I’m very attracted to the idea of the landscape. The horizon, balance, light and shadow of the natural environment are intrinsically familiar to the viewer. I like to create an atmosphere that references traditional landscape, yet appears otherworldly at the same time.”

Her latest works reflect an abstract view of natural landscapes, interpreting nature's beauty with a use of colour and texture not often seen in the landscape genre. Kat's use of pearlescent mediums in her pieces adds a luminescence and glow to her work, bringing together both the natural and the fantastic.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Untitled (Mountains I) - SOLD

1 comment:

  1. me likey this one a lot a lot a lot...do you still have it? if i had some money would it cost me lots?
